Random Quotes

Loads the quotess from a JSON file via AJAX and randomly flips through them. I realized during the developement of this that creating a JSON file can be a pain in the bum by hand so I created a Python script that will create the JSON file.

JSON format

The JSON file is an array of objects with the keys q and c.

[ { 'q':'The testimonial goes here. It can have HTML elements in it.', 'c':'The person who said it' }, { 'q':'This guy really knows what he\'s doing!', 'c':'Random Person,Owner<br>Widgets Inc.' } ]

JSON Generator

The code below takes a semi-formatted text file and converts it to JSON appropriate for use with the widget.

#! /usr/bin/env python ''' Creates the JSON for the random quote widget ''' from __future__ import print_function import io def cleanText(text): ''' Quotes quotes and replace newlines with <br>s ''' return text.replace('"','\\"').replace('\n','<br>') input= io.FileIO('testimonials.txt','r') input= io.BufferedReader(input,4096) input= io.TextIOWrapper(input,encoding='UTF-8') output= io.FileIO('testimonials.json','w') output= io.BufferedWriter(output) output= io.TextIOWrapper(output,encoding='UTF-8') cite_block=False #start the file output.write(u'[{"q":"') textbuf='' while True: line=input.readline() # break on EOF if line=='': break # skip comments if line[0]=='#': continue # end of block reached if line[0]=='\n': if textbuf.strip()=='': # extra blank line, skip continue; if !cite_block: # end of quote block cite_block=True output.write(cleanText(textbuf)+'","c":"') else: # end of cite block cite_block=False output.write(cleanText(textbuf)+'"},{"q":"') textbuf='' continue textbuf+=line output.write(cleanText(textbuf)+'"}]') input.close() output.close()

Input File Format

The basic format for this very simple. Testimonial is first, then at least one blank line, and then the citation. HTML and HTML entities can be used.

The examples below are from a previous client and has their client information masked out.

################################## # Raw testimonials # # Please run all of them through the text cleaner first. # # # Formatting Instructions: # Separate quotes and who said it with a blank line. # # For example: # 1st quote paragraph # 1st quote paragraph(note no blank line!) # (blank line) # Who said it # (blank line) # 2nd quote paragraph # 2nd quote paragraph # (blank line) # Who said it # # Starting a line with # causes the parser to ignore it. ################################## Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe # comment Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Oscar Wilde # extra blank lines are ignored Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. Bernard M. Baruch You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth. William W. Purkey

The JavaScript

(function($){ "use strict"; $.fn.extend({ testimonials:function(options){ options=$.extend( { 'fadeOut':500, 'fadeIn':250, 'waitPerLine':1530 },options||{} ); this.append('<blockquote><p>Loading...</p></blockquote>'); var $ui=this.children('blockquote.testimonial').first(); var sizer=$('<blockquote style="display:none"></blockquote>'), test_data=[], change=function(){ if(test_data.length==0)return; var idx= Math.floor(Math.random()*test_data.length); idx=test_data[idx]; sizer.html('<p>'+idx.q+'</p><cite>'+idx.c+'</cite>'); $ui.animate({'opacity':0,'height':sizer.height()+'px'},options.fadeOut,'linear', function(){ $ui.html('<p>'+idx.q+'</p><cite>'+idx.c+'</cite>') .css('height','auto') .animate({'opacity':1},options.fadeIn,'linear'); } ); setTimeout(change, ( (sizer.height()/parseInt(sizer.css('line-height')) )*options.waitPerLine)+750); }; this.append(sizer); sizer.css('width',$ui.width()+'px'); $.getJSON(options.location) .done(function(data){ test_data=data; change(); }) .fail(function(jqxhr,text,err){ $ui.html('Failed to load the quotes. '+text+': '+err); }); } }); })(jQuery); //Init code $(function(){ $('#quotes').quoteRotator( { 'location':'/projectfiles/jstestimonials/testimonials.json' } ) });


Name Default Description
fadeOut 500 Amount of time in milliseconds for the fade out
fadeIn 250 Amount of time in milliseconds for the fade in
waitPerLine 1530 Amount of time in milliseconds per line to wait before loading the next
location None. Must be set. The location of the JSON file

